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Congratulations, you not only successfully logged into the CBB Zürich workspace but also accessed our internal wiki.

TL;DR for the lazy people

  • When creating new PUBLIC channels use these naming conventions (Examples):

    • lec_data-mining-1 (Data Mining I - course discussion, homework)

    • lec_computational-biology (Computational Biology - course discussion, homework)

    • fun_lunch (organising lunch with CBB friends on campus)

    • fun_tennis

  • Before creating a new public channel please check if someone hasn't already created one before you

For more details please continue reading below.


This page is intended to get you started with Slack and the CBB Zürich workspace. It consists of three chapters:


This whole article is meant to help you and should not be understood as a strict role book. Ultimately, it should help you to easily communicate with your fellow students and the CBB committee. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Just let us know (preferably via Slack).

Table of contents

  1. Introduction to Slack
  2. Workspace conventions