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Introduction to Health Economics and Policy

  • 2 ECTS

  • Autumn semester

  • ETH Zürich

Cool to get some insight into economics related to the industry we might end up in!

Introduction to Negotiation

  • 3 ECTS

  • Spring semester

  • ETH Zürich

Interesting course which mixes game theory and negotiation methods with case studies and real-life examples.

Maths in Politics and Law
  • 3 ECTS
  • Autumn semester
  • ETH Zürich

Not entirely sure if this is offered in Autumn 2021 but great course by an enthusiastic young lecturer. Very good lectures, including some guest lectures by people who help(ed) with the design of the Swiss voting system. Assessment is by a pass/fail assignment to be handed in after the Christmas break (at least this is how it was in autumn 2019).