Versionen im Vergleich


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As president, you're in charge of welcoming new motivated board members. To do so, follow the checklist below.

  •  Ask the new member for her/his full name and ETH email.
  •  Forward this information to the Götti.
  • Make sure they accepted to contribute to VSETH in myStudies (10.- CHF)
  •  Ask the new member to sign up to join VIS.
  •  Share the Onboarding checklist to the new member.
  •  Make sure they connect to the VIS Slack workspace. They have to do it by themselves, do not use the invite feature!
  •  Set up a small meeting to quickly explain how each tool works.
    • CCBB slack channel
    • CCBB shared drive
    • VIS email
    • VIS eventmanager
    • VIS intern website
  •  Invite the new member to the next committee meeting and introduce her/him to the rest of the board.