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  • A lot of companies do not publish (internship) positions, but still welcome unsolicited applications. Find the right person (e.g. bioinformatics project manager) on LinkedIn and send an application to them directly. (Or, for smaller companies: just call and let them redirect you!)

  • Personal contacts help a lot. Ask students from the year above, friends, your family clan, professors from lab rotations, your mentor and visit events & job fairs from VIS and other student associations. They might give you direct contacts, forward your application or even recommend you for the job.

  • Check You can check the BSA website for Contacts or the DMI alumni group to find contacts within industry and the department
  • If you apply via job platforms for large companies your application can easily get lost among the other 100 applications. Writing directly to contacts via LinkedIn or email can really help.

  • Some companies take >3 months to apply, so start early (about 6-5 months before your intended start date).

  • Professors are busy, so finding an internship supervisor is not trivial. Again, start early.

  • The ETH career center has valuable tips and workshops for applications.
