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In 2021, the organization of the welcome day was divided into three parts. Each part was organized by two board members and some other helped during the day.

Part I: Presentation

  • Daria and Martin set up some slides to explain the CBB study plan and present the CCBB among other topics.
  • They presented their slides to the students in Zürich directly after the formal welcome from the study administrators.
  • The slides were previously sent to a CBB student living in Basel who took the time to present them to the new students in Basel.
  • The BSA oreder some goody bags were hand over for the Biotechnology students and the few CBB students in BaselThe CBB students were forgotten when VIS ordered their goody bags since the CBB master is not part of D-INFK. A solution was found in the end and the students in Zürich also received a bag but it is important to remind VIS to order bags for us at least two months before the welcome day!
  • The BSA ordered some goody bags were hand over for the Biotechnology students and the few CBB students in Basel
  • The BSA took care of the CBB students in Basel for the rest of the day

Part II: Treasure hunt

  • Ana and Hugo took the new students for a small tour around the building in Zentrum
  • The students were sent off around 13h to grab lunch in the place or their choice
  • They were asked to meet again around 15h in Polyterrasse to start the treasure hunt
  • Using the map drawn for the occasion, the students explored the city and completed some tasks
  • The final step was to meet in Irchel park for the BBQ


  • Raya and Jan organized a BBQ for the students to meet after the treasure hunt
  • The expenses were paid using the VIS card and D-BSSE paid back afterward

More details about each part can be found on the CCBB drive