Examiners: Hünenberger, Riniker 

Comments: 15min with each examiner, an assistant is present and takes notes  throughout. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere, but quite fast-paced; Hünenberger  provides hints when needed, don’t know about Riniker (didn’t come up). Exam  conducted via Zoom due to COVID pandemic situation. 

  • Why do we not exclusively simulate at the QM level?
    (unfavourable scaling)

  • How dow QM methods scale?
    (n^3 or worse) 

  • What can’t we do with MD?
    (covalent chemistry, spectroscopy etc.)

  • How do we do MD?
    (integrate Newton’s equations of motion) 

  • Can you write down the Hamiltonian of our system?
    ( H = K(q,p) + V(q) )

  • Can you write down the Hamiltonian equations of motion?
    ( *write them down* )

  • Do you know which one corresponds to F = ma?
    (the one with (del H/ del q) )

  • What does the force-field term for electrostatics look like generally?
    (*write down*)

  • What about van der Waals?
    (*write down*) 

  • Where do we get those C6/C12 from?
    (parametrise against rare gases, draw a little  sketch of curve, explain ε, σ etc.) 

  • And if you had two different atom types?
    (*write down combination rule for C6/C12*,  mention some alternatives) 

  • What ensemble do we sample with plain MD?

  • And with MC?

  • Can you explain how Monte Carlo works?
    (*do it*) 

  • Do you remember what the move acceptance criterion is?
    (*write it down*, mention  it’s meant to keep the ensemble Boltzmann) 

  • Could you preferentially pick moves along the direction of current force to enhance  sampling?
    (Technically no, the choice of a candidate next state has to be unbiased.  He mentions that biased MC exists, but you have to correct for the bias.)

  • Do you remember the definition of the instantaneous temperature?
    (*write down*)

  • A system of 100 diatomic molecules with bond constraints has how many degrees  of freedom?
    (200*3 - 100 = 500) 

  • What about the instantaneous pressure?
    (*write down*) 

  • And the virial?
    (*write down*) 

  • How do thermostating and barostating work conceptually?
    (*scale the things*)

  • Why would someone want to supply the compressibility to …?
    (My memory is a bit  fuzzy here, it was either a thermostat or a barostat. He wanted me to connect it to the instantaneous pressure expression somehow, but I didn’t quite get it in the  moment. Something about controlling temperature and pressure simultaneously. I  couldn’t answer the question and he said “don’t worry”, and we moved on to the  second part of the exam)

  • You talked about MC. How does Temperature Replica Exchange work?

  • What is the exchange acceptance criterion?
    (*write down*) 

  • How does Umbrella Sampling work?

  • How would you do the reweighing?
    (*write down formula*) 

  • What about accelerated MD, how is that different?
    (*explain, write down formula,  draw a little picture*) 

  • How would you get a conformational free energy difference from Umbrella  Sampling?
    (*formula*, explain what the binary assignment functions do, how they  could be defined in terms of RMSD) 

  • Would these assignment functions change if your states of interest or the system  were to change?
    (*Yes. Not necessarily the functional form, but yes.*)

  • How would you go about getting a relative binding free energy of two ligands to a  protein?
    (*draw the thermodynamic cycle, say which transitions you simulate*)

  • Keine Stichwörter