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If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them over Slack or to one of the CCBB members directly and they will add it here. 

  • Why is the Algorithms and Data Structures course helpful for the new CBB students?
    • The philosophy of our MSc is to educate the students broadly, this includes giving them a stepping stone to developing their own algorithms which is surely a direction they could further pursue in the field of computational biology and bioinformatics. Algorithms and Data Structures is a first year computer science bachelor course, taught in the programming language of C++, which can be learned from the lecture series Computer Science (252-0856) - a recommended prerequisite for the data structures & algorithms course- (see C++ style guide of this course). More info:
  • Can more lectures be recorded?
    • The choice on whether or not to record lectures/tutorials/ and Q&A sessions is up to the individual Professor and cannot be enforced. Some teachers find in person interaction a key component to their lecture, it is therefore important to respect their choice in this regard. Additionally, the ETH rector is strongly promoting a full return to in person lectures as this improves the overall teaching quality and discourages students from overlapping their modules.
  • Where can I find past exams?
    • By BSA (Biotechnology Student’s Association)
    • On our Wiki
    • by VIS
    • by the Union of Biology Students at ETH Zurich (VeBIS)

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