None of the information present here is guaranteed to be accurate or up to date. It has been collected collectively by previous student and your help is needed to make sure that as much advice as possible is gather for the students coming after you.
"It is almost impossible for one person to memorize a whole exam, but it's easy for a member of a group to memorize one single part of the whole" - Thonneas Nurin, first ever CBB student, 1618
Following this logic, we suggest to continue as follows:
Check the available exam collection from VIS (computer science association of ETH), BSA (biotechnology association of ETH) or VeBIS (biology association of ETH) to prepare for your exam. If no old exam is available for the course you're studying, it is really important that you contribute by reporting what questions you had to answer!
Create a file and procede as follow:
Divide the question to memorize among your fellow CBB students / friends taking the exam
Do the exam (You'll pass the exam, we know it)
Write down the questions you memorized in your file straight after the exam.
- Send your file to a CCBB member. He/She will add your valuable contribution to this wiki and eventually to the VIS exam collection.