
Proximity to the leading department and easier interaction with professors, PhD students and post-docs of our department.

Very few CBB peers based in Basel so can be a bit tricky to find study groups/ project partners.

Basel has a strong connection to pharmaceutical companies and the the Friedrich Miescher Institute - many networking opportunities.

Language courses are more expensive in Basel.

You can attend lectures of D-BSSE in person.

Registration into UniBas is not straight forward: check link.

Higher teacher to student ratio in lectures since there are less master students in Basel.

Not really any student life outside of the department. Few options to interact with non-D-BSSE people.

Living in Basel is cheaper (shopping in Germany is possible, flats are cheaper etc.). You can even live in Germany and France and commute to the department (which is what some students do, but this applies only to EU/EUFTA citizens).

Not so close to ”the rest” of ETH.

If you are more interested in the research happening in Basel, it might make more sense to be in Basel.

The D-BSSE will shift to a new building in the beginning of 2022. The building will be in the UniBas campus close to the Biozentrum. This will most likely greatly facilitate interaction between groups in D-BSSE and groups at University of Basel and will also likely improve the infrastructure available for students as well.

  • Keine Stichwörter