Find below the checklist to follow when organising an event.
- Talk about your interest to organise this or that event to the rest of the board during a committee meeting
- Find people to organise the event with. The number of organisers should not exceed 3, keeping only 2 organisers is recommended.
- Create a designated private Slack channel. Add the other organisers as well as the president (and vice president if there is one) to the channel.
- Create a designated folder on the CCBB drive. Respect the drive structure (1116-CCBB / Events / event_name / year / ). Keep all documents used to organised the event in that folder.
- Have a look at the "How to Event" presentation from VIS.
- Fill in the name of the organisers (and of the helpers) in this spreadsheet. This allows to keep track of the board members' involvement.
- Set a date and build a clear plan for the event (i.e. timed to-to list for the day of the event)
- Set a meeting with the CCBB president and present your plan.
- If needed, fix the issues pointed out by the president until final approval.
- If the event will take place on campus, apply to get a permit from ETH (through Servix platform).
- Order a poster from Desko to advertise the event at least two weeks in advance.
- If you decide to create the poster yourself, make sure that:
- VIS and VSETH logos are on it.
- You respected the branding guidelines of both VIS (access the link using your GSuite account) and VSETH.
- In particular, make sure the colored VSETH logo is used whenever possible (i.e. always when using a solid background) and that its byline is present if you intend to print the poster.
- If you decide to create the poster yourself, make sure that:
- Create an event on the VIS Eventmanager at least two weeks in advance.
- Only keep the essential automatic emails, modify them accordingly. Have the feedback email ready.
- You can also ask VIS to advertise the event on their Instagram account.
- Advertise on Slack the event you just created.
- If needed, contact the Götti to get the VIS credit card.
- If needed, recruit other board members or students to help you on the D day.
- Keep all receipts you got when buying things you needed for the event.
- Manage the helpers you recruited by giving them clear instructions and responsabilities.
- Make sure everyone is safe and has a good time!
- Tell people that we always recruit new board members.
- Clean the place used for the event with some of your helpers.
- Send out the feedback email through eventmanager.
- If needed, fill in the expense invoice form, attach all receipts to it and forward it to the VIS treasurer (Quästorin) to get any money you spent for the event refunded.
- Write down all expenses in the event's folder on the CCBB drive.
- Inform the president to fill in the overall expenses in the Budget folder of the drive.
- Write down your feedback of the event in the event's folder on the CCBB drive.
- What worked well? What didn't? What was forgotten? What could be improved?
- This is a very important point if you want to make the life of future organisers easier
- Export the feedback from participants and upload the .csv file on the CCBB drive.
Should you run into troubles at any step of the checklist above, please contact the CCBB president.