Versionen im Vergleich


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In the autumn semester 2021, the "Fun Event" was organised by Samuel and Jan. Here's what they did.


  •  They decided to organise a Raclette evening for 40 people
  •  They set the date (18.11.2021)
  •  They booked the Scout's house (Pfadiheim Holzwiese)
  •  They booked three raclette ovens and ordered the raclette cheese from Amstad Chäslädeli GmbH
  •  The bills from the Pfadiheim and the Chäslädeli were directly sent to the VIS Quätorin
  •  They set up the shopping list (access link with GSuite account)
  •  They ordered everything except the cheese through Coop@Home so that it was directly delivered at the event location
  •  Samuel paid for the stuff from Coop and got reimbursed afterward
  •  They booked a Mobility card from VSETH to rent a car to pick up the cheese and raclette ovens and to bring them back the next day
  •  They ordered a poster from DesKo
  •  They set up the event on eventmanager
    • the price was set to 10.- CHF per participants
    • the participants had seven days to confirm (and pay) after signing up
    • people could sign up as helpers (in the end, height helpers were present)
    • the automatic emails were sent when participants
      1. signed up
      2. confirmed (i.e. paid)
      3. missed the confirmation deadline
      4. entered waiting list
      5. could give feedback
    • a manual email was sent to remind people to bring warm cloths and to make sure they know were to go
  •  They set up a timetable with the tasks assigned to each helper
  •  ???? Keep all receipts you got when buying things you needed for the event


  •  The timetable made it easy for each helper to know what they should do


  •  They cleaned the place used for the event with some helpers
  •  They came back the next day to pick up all the trash using the Mobility car
  •  They brought back the raclette ovens using the Mobility car
  •  They send out the feedback email through eventmanager
  •  They wrote down their own feedback of the event in the event's folder on the CCBB drive
  •  They exported the participants feedback from eventmanager and upload the .csv file on the CCBB drive
  •  ??? Money?

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