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Find below the checklist to follow when organising an event.

  • Talk about your interest to organise this or that event to the rest of the board during a committee meeting
  • Find people to organise the event with. The number of organisers should not exceed 3, keeping only 2 organisers is recommended.
  • Create a designated private Slack channel. Add the other organisers as well as the president (and vice president if there is one) to the channel.
  • Create a designated folder on the CCBB drive. Respect the drive structure (1116-CCBB / Events / event_name / year / ). Keep all documents used to organised the event in that folder.
  • Set a date and build a clear plan for the event.
  • Set a meeting with the CCBB president and present your plan.
  • If needed, fix the issues pointed out by the president until final approval.
  • Order a poster from Desko to advertise the event.
  • Create an event on the VIS Eventmanager.
  • Advertise on Slack the event you just created.
  • If needed, contact the Götti to get the VIS credit card.
  • If needed, recruit other board members or students to help you on the D day.
  • Keep all receipts you got when buying things you needed for the event.
  • Write down all expenses in the event's folder on the CCBB drive.
  • Inform the president to fill in the overall expenses in the Budget folder of the drive.
  • Write down your feedback of the event in the event's folder on the CCBB drive.
    • What worked well? What didn't? What was forgotten? What could be improved?

Should you run into troubles at any step of the checklist above, please contact the CCBB president.

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