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Most CBB students have to complete one or several additional requirement courses as well. This depends on your background - usually extra biology for people coming from a more technical/computer science background or extra programming and/or math for people coming from a biology background.

These are bachelor courses which are known to be quite tough at ETH.


These courses do not count towards your 120 ECTS but if you fail one of them twice your are out of the program!

You need to complete them in the first 3 semesters of your master's (i.e. if you start in September 2019, you have to complete them by the end of the 2020-2021 autumn semester).
Since these are bachelor courses, most of them are taught in German. There should always be resources (slides, etc.) in English provided by the lecturer.


Computer Science

on-site lectures during Fall Semester. The course is an introduction to C++, fairly useful if you need to do data structures. Lectures were in german (although they should be converting slowly to english). There are exercise sessions in english. Doing the exercises is a must

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • 8 ECTS

  • Spring semester

  • ETH Zürich

The on-site lectures only happen during the Spring semester but you should be able to retake the exam during the next winter in case you failed your first attempt. The lectures are in German only, but all the slides are uploaded both in German and English. And since Spring 2021 there are prerecorded English lectures. There are exercise groups taught in English too. Many old exams are provided and help to make a good cheatsheet to pass the exam. You can also take the course in winter, with recorded lectures from the previous spring. No organised exercise groups in that case and no 0,25 bonus from the exercises for the exam. Taking in summer recommended.

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